Saturday, October 1, 2011

Old -> New

    Picture Party! If you don’t know what this trendy thing is, I’ll give you the steps. Step 1: Invite really fun friends over. Step 2: Look, decorate, or just reminisce of old times past. Fun… yes, I know. I have the best set of friends, and my picture party was a success- if I don’t say so myself. As I begin a new chapter in my life, it is refreshing to look back at memories, both flattering and non-flattering, throughout the past that have helped lead me/us to the paths that we’re at today. It’s amazing to see how pictures impact people, and the side-effects memories can have on a group of friends, especially girls.  A photo can be remembered a million different ways, depending on the person(s), while also being remarkable the same, as well. Photos are special; I don’t care that the world is going digital, I still like my hard copy, film prints.
    Okay, it's officially 4 days until I leave. Everything is packed, everything is weighed, everything is almost done. I seem to be making lists, scratching off lists, making new lists, and scratching off lists; I'm pretty sure this process is going to keep on continuing until Thursday morning. I already new that I was a perpetual list maker to begin with, but I'm starting to think this is my way of keeping myself super focused since I haven't had a 'freak out' session yet. The count down has begun...


  1. Oh so exciting! I can't believe how soon it's approaching. Thursday morning, just don't feel like you're forgetting anything. You're going to be so prepared - but at the same time not prepared at all for the completely unexpected. I can't wait to hear about all the fantastic new memories you'll be making!!!


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