Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Mockingbird has left the nest

I arrived in Los Angeles without incidence and eagerly awaited the beginning of staging.  The first person I met was my roommate for the evening, Laura.  She is from Wisconsin.  At 6:00 pm on Thursday we went down to the the Peace Corps registration area and turned in paperwork.  I found out that there are 29 of us going to Vanuatu.  Friday morning and afternoon was filled with sessions with my fellow Peace Corps Volunteers (PCV).  I was selected as 1 of 4 group leaders for the travel portion.  My responsibilities were to make sure everyone checkout out of their hotel room at noon and had their luggage stored.  When the bus arrived to pick us up to go to the airport I was responsible for making sure all the luggage was loaded on the bus and my 7 people and I got on the bus.  My seat assignment is 59J, window seat, yea!!

 I'm about to the board my 13 hour flight to Auckland, New Zealand.  We only have a hour layover in Auckland so I hope our flights on time.  The flight to Port Vila is 3 1/2 hours.   Will update whenever I get internet again!!

1 comment:

  1. By now you're already there I'm sure! I'm so excited that you made it through your busy, busy day in California. I'm getting ready to send you some mail, so hopefully it gets to you soon. Let me know if there's anything I can send you :) Also...I'm very impressed you were chosen as one of the responsible PCVs to make sure everyone left together - it doesn't surprise me though. Have a fantastic time with your on-site training! May God bless you and keep you and make His face shine on you. I love you!
    Laura Clemens
    (your best friend)


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