Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Village Easter

Holiday's in the village is not just a one day event, its a "bigfala" affair. Starting on Palm Sunday the Presbyterian church here put on a drama of Jesus's arrival and after followed a big kakae with all the church members. After, each day during the week, the church hosted different Bible studies that also had some skits, dramas, and songs. Thursday was half day for school, and all the students/teachers left early to  prepare for the Easter Camp.

Easter Camp, let me just tell ya is huge, students go and have a lock-in at the chirch from Thursday-Sunday, Mamas and Papaes groups meet together during the day to story, learn songs, and make crafts; its a pretty big deal.

On Friday, the students put on a night concert and had a huge bonfire. On Saturday, all the student's, mama's, papa's, and string band members came together and had a mix concert; that was a blast. Finally, on Sunday we had 2 three hour church services, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and another concert that night.

Might I add I had a small part in one of the skits. :)  I was a 'gossip girl' and stood up in the front talking about all the fake, juicy gossip I chould think of. HAHA and Everyone loved it; not anyone would have told me otherwise- one good thing about this culture.

Even though we had rain the whole weekend, it didn't matter because the energy and imagination of my village made Easter this year one that I will always remember.

Wow 6 Months Already!

I can't believe its already been 6 months already- wow the time is sure flying by. The doc's recommend we de-worm about every 6 months, so I guess I'll be celebrating that this weekend and doing. Lovely! Some other vol's have had some unpleasent, interesting, and down right scary stories- so I'm hoping mine's not going to be that memorable.

Rain. And I am not singing.

Rain and thunderstorms are not like they are in the states here in Vanuatu. Why? Well when it rains here everything is affected some for good and some not so good. In the states rain is a minor inconvenience. Hop in a car and go here... Just go walk around the mall... Stay inside the house... Rain= No big deal, but here in Vanuatu it's a little differnt.

Tink tink blo mi nomo is that there is 2 kinds of rain: Good and Bad.

Good Rain:
 - When it rains smol plants grow, the temperature cools off a little, and maybe you can fill up your rain tank just a little

Bad Rain:
 - Down pours that last hours
 - Beingliterally trapped in your house; remembering you walk everywhere here
 - Soft mud when your village is on a hill= holding hands with ni-vans so you won't fall
 - Causing small-big flooding
 - Feeling damp all the time b/c your house is not completly cealed
 - Having a tin roof which makes the sound of even light rain deaffening
 - Being in a tin house (cealing and walls) during a lightning storm. Safe?
 - Feeling the thunder vibrations shake through your house
 - Completly filling up your rain tank with ice cold water= freezing bucket showers
 - Not being able to go to the garden for food
 - Not being able to dry your clothes, towel, etc.

But after all this, I'd still take my house and village over a custom house any-day, especially in a thunder storm

 - Been raining for the last 7 days, looks like another 7 to come